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Words By: Kyle Chen, Grade 12 | Art By: Joshua Miner, Grade 12

The sakura tree blossoms during its decay,
As the rain drips onto the ground, the petals too,
And I know that I, too, will someday rot away.

No matter what I did, it could not be kept at bay,
And among the branches, the blood red blossoms grew
As the sakura tree bloomed during its decay.

Despite these circumstances, I will not be led astray.
From the east, a quiet, soft breeze blew,
And yet, I know that I will someday rot away.

The color fades during the dying light of day,
This beautiful time of mine I shall cling to
As the sakura tree blooms during its decay

The change of color from red to gray,
With the change of the colors, I bid thee adieu
And I know that I will someday be wisped away.

Along the roads, the petals lay
As the sky slowly fades to red from blue,
The sakura tree blossoms during its decay
And I know that I, too, will someday fade away.

And the rain is constant, like a heart’s soft beat,
As quiet as it will ever be as it trickles downward,
Before falling faster and faster,
And then slowing down once more.
The rain is constant, like the ticking of a clock.
Yet, as the ticking of time passes,
As those who wake eventually begin to slumber,
As those whose dreams begin to form just before they fade away,
The rain continues to pour,
Each drop slightly different from the last.

Sometimes the rain falls softly, like feathers in the wind.
Other times, the rain falls heavily, like marbles on a street.
It fluctuates ferociously, and yet the rain falls consistently.
And since the rain is water, if it falls into a hole, it becomes a puddle,
And when rain falls into a cup, it becomes the cup.
Yet, when it falls onto you, it does not become you.
The rain will weigh you down and will make you cold, yes.
But it will not change you
At least, not until you let it.

Eventually, the rain will end,
Eventually, the clouds will clear,
And the light will shine through,
Until then, enjoy the rain
As it sounds soft, like the crackling of embers from a fire,
And as it sounds heavy, like the ticking of clocks.
Even though there is no storm that will never end,
The rain pours elsewhere.